LBMA Presents: Ordinary People
2300 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90803
January 4, 2024 - January 14, 2024
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
LBMA Presents: Ordinary People
Ordinary People is an exhibition now on view at the Long Beach Museum of Art.
“Regimes of racial segregation were not disestablished because of the work of leaders and presidents and legislators, but rather because of the fact that ordinary people adopted a critical stance in the way in which they perceived their relationship to reality. Social realities that may have appeared inalterable, impenetrable, came to be viewed as malleable and transformable.” — Angela Davis, Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Featuring Crenshaw Dairy Mart, QUA – LGBTQ Ukrainians in America, Tlaloc Studios, AMBOS Project, People’s Pottery Project, and Slanguage Studio, this expansive exhibition is guided by Angela Davis’ Freedom is a Constant Struggle – a text which stresses the importance of recognizing the communities which power and sustain impactful social movements. Each of these organizations were founded and are maintained by small groups of artists, educators, and critical thinkers- thus embodying the positive change and progress which occurs through the power of community activation.
“Regimes of racial segregation were not disestablished because of the work of leaders and presidents and legislators, but rather because of the fact that ordinary people adopted a critical stance in the way in which they perceived their relationship to reality. Social realities that may have appeared inalterable, impenetrable, came to be viewed as malleable and transformable.” — Angela Davis, Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Featuring Crenshaw Dairy Mart, QUA – LGBTQ Ukrainians in America, Tlaloc Studios, AMBOS Project, People’s Pottery Project, and Slanguage Studio, this expansive exhibition is guided by Angela Davis’ Freedom is a Constant Struggle – a text which stresses the importance of recognizing the communities which power and sustain impactful social movements. Each of these organizations were founded and are maintained by small groups of artists, educators, and critical thinkers- thus embodying the positive change and progress which occurs through the power of community activation.